Digital Health Systems to Improve Perioperative Patient Outcomes - Phase 2
Research Questions
Is it feasible to develop surgical registries in three African countries to allow linkage and shared data analysis?
What are the stakeholder views and perceptions on the use of digital health resources to improve quality of perioperative care?
Can national datasets from registries in three African countries be linked to produce an international epidemiological study with risk-adjusted comparisons of activity and outcomes?

Progress from Phase 2
We will undertake up to 12 focus group discussions (three in each country, 6-8 participants in each) to understand the perceptions of different stakeholders on the use of national registries to facilitate research and clinical benchmarking at a national and international level within Africa.
Participants will include patients and community representatives, healthcare providers, information systems engineers, governance experts, hospital administrators and government policy-makers. Comparative and thematic analysis will be used to identify key themes around the benefits of perioperative registries and the challenges for wider implementation.
Trans-national Analysis
During this phase, we will seek regulatory approval for trans-national analysis of data and define a unifed derivation of patient outcome measures. Thes will include risk-adjusted perioperative mortality using the ASOS Surgical Risk Score.