5Rs to Rescue - Phase 2
5Rs to Rescue
In this phase we hope to continue to develop on the work from phase I and co-design interventions to improve the recognition and treatment of deteriorating patients after surgery.
We will work with our local counterparts in Ethiopia, Uganda, South Afric and Tanzania, to identify the main concerns with regards to recognising and treating patients. We can then develop interventions based on these issues and test them to see if they are reasonable (i.e., the staff can maintain a high compliance) and effective.

5Rs to Rescue Intervention
The 5Rs are interventions aiming to tackle each stage of recognising and managing a deteriorating patient following a complication after surgery.
The 5Rs are:
- Risk Identification
- Recognize
- Respond
- Reassess
- Reflect
ASOS Risk Calculator
For the risk identification stage, we intend to use the ASOS risk calculator to determine whether a patient is at high risk of complications and mortality. This will be calculated by the surgical or anaesthetic team, and relayed to the ward team when patients are transferred.
- 5Rs to Rescue is currently being implemented in 9 hospitals across Ethiopia, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda.
- Conducting Debrief study which is focused on learning about the successes and challenges in implementing the 5Rs.
- We are preparing to expand the number of hospitals we are working in to 20 hospitals in 4 countries. Part of this preparation will come in the form of an Expert Meeting between the Institute for Healthcare Improvement team, local QI leads and the APPRISE team.